
Tiveden is a forest area located between the large lakes Vättern and Vänern in Sweden. It used to be referred to as a 12mile forest and almost impossible to travel through without getting lost. A place where the outlaws used hide. Today it´s National Park known for the rugged terrain and wild, beautiful forest that has been untouched by modern forestry. Between the lakes and bogs, the forest is scattered with large boulders, making hiking a lot more challenging than your everyday forest walk. The moss covers almost all of the ground, the boulders, and the abundance of fallen trees that you would not find in a wood plantation.





The house is empty, and the moving trucks have driven off, and all left to do, is burn the remains that will not make it to the new home. There is a large pile of old and broken furniture and other pieces of wood that will burn to ash. We are used to big fires on Walpurgis night to mark and celebrate the beginning of spring. This time winter is approaching, but still, the fire is a mark and celebration of a change and the anticipation of something new.





Paviljong C

A Whisper and three trembling shadows at Paviljong C: a program of outdoors events organized by Konsthall C in Hökarängen, Stockholm. A Whisper and three trembling shadows is a collaboration between Magali Cunico and Erik Hagman and consists of a tent that acts as a camera obscura. Inside the tent, the camera obscura projection is accompanied by sound recorded at a nearby meadow.






A Whisper and Three Trembling Shadows

A Whisper and three trembling shadows is a collaboration between Magali Cunico and Erik Hagman. The piece consists of a tent that acts as a camera obscura and a sound work recorded at a meadow. The show is on August 28 and 29 at Paviljong C, a program of outdoors events organized by Konsthall C in Hökarängen, Stockholm.




The road is blocked by flooding when I was returning home from my studio. Parts of Hökarängen in Stockholm were underwater, and the flooding ruined basements and vehicles. Most of the water drained away after an hour leaving only piles of hail and frozen water under the drainpipes.

Following the last week's severe flooding in nearby Huddinge, this is not an isolated event and can only be another sign of extreme weather due to climate change.

Erik-Hagman_Flooding_Hokarangen-210612-2526 Crossing between Fagersjövägen and Hauptvägen in Hökarängen, Stockholm.

Erik-Hagman_Flooding_Hokarangen-210612-2636 Kontoristvägen in Hökarängen, Stockholm.